Mon 9am-7pm | Tue to Fri 9am-6pm | Sat 9am-12pm

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Good Health Workshop – 31st of May 2018

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As part of our preventative health philosophy, we are excited to be hosting a Good Health workshop, with topics that include:

  • the benefits of exercise for improving mental health
  • the specific benefits of different types of exercise
  • where to start and how much to do
  • how exercise can help prevent and manage chronic disease
  • practical demonstrations on reading food labels, and
  • the Life! program and how to get involved.

The workshop is scheduled for the Thursday 31st of May, from 2pm to 4pm, with light refreshments afterwards. Please contact our reception team on 9584 9504 or click the link below to register. Call us on 9504 9584 to find our more information.

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